From a young age Jesus claimed to have a familial relationship with the Almighty. At the age when Jewish boys have their Bar Mitzvah Jesus amazed Bible teachers in the temple with his knowledge. That was also the age when they started training for their life vocation. It was common practice for the eldest son to become involved in his father's business. But when Mary told him "your father and I have been looking for you" Jesus responded "I must be about my Father's business". They were thinking 'Joseph and son' and he was referring to 'JWHW and Son', but they did not understand (Luke 2:46-50).
The question arises as to whether Mary and Joseph ever spoke to their children about the events surrounding Jesus' birth? Years later, when Mary and his brothers wanted to "take charge" of Jesus, he contended that "Whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother" (Mark 3:21; Matthew 12:46-50).
Early in his ministry Jesus asserted that no one knew God except his Son and those to whom the Son wished to reveal him (Matthew 11:27). He followed this up by inviting anyone who experienced hardship to come to him. On the night he was betrayed Jesus repeated to the eleven his claim of an exclusive relationship with God, maintaining that "no one comes to the Father except by me" (John 14:6).
I have heard a misquote by a podcaster who argued that Jesus denied being good, because he posed the question "Who is good but God?" (Luke 18:19). In fact, just the opposite is true. Jesus accepted the compliment and urged the young man to sell all and follow him. Instead of mentioning the Godward group of the ten commandments, Jesus only pointed him to those who regulated his relationship with humans. But if he wanted to be "perfect", he was give up his possessions for Jesus' sake. One would not be far wrong in imagining Jesus thinking "By all means call me good because I am the only human being who is divine". Besides, which mortal can promise anyone "a treasure in heaven"?
The Jews understood what Jesus meant by calling God his father and wanted to kill him for it (John 5:18). They came close to stoning him when he claimed to have existed before Abraham (John 8:58-59) and again when he declared to be one with the Father (John 10:30-33).
In the end Jesus' refusal to deny his divine nature cost him his life. The Jewish rulers needed to find him guilty according to their laws. The high priest managed this by asking Jesus under oath if he was the Messiah, the Son of God. His answer in the affirmative was all they needed (Matthew 26:63-65).
Jesus could still escape crucifixion if he did not make what Paul called the "good confession" before Pilate (1 Timothy 6:13). Pilate had wanted to set him free but felt pressurised by the crowd to execute him. Jesus gave him the pretext he could use under Roman law by declaring he was indeed a king (John 18:37).
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