
Monday, 22 August 2022

Eternal life

 An expert in Jewish law (the Torah, Old Testament) tested Jesus by asking what he needed to do to inherit eternal life (Luke 10:25). Jesus had addressed the Jewish leaders on this topic. He had told them to believe in him (John 5:39-40).

A young successful man asked Jesus the same question, but with a purer motive (Luke 18:18). He may have read in the Psalms that David was confident that he would experience the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living (Psalm 27:13). Jesus loved him for his sincerity (Mark 10:21). He did not make a disciple of him just then, but who knows if the man later changed his mind?

Immortality seems to have been a talking point in Jewish culture in the days of Jesus. After they had sinned against their Creator humans were prevented from eating from the tree of life "and live forever" (Genesis 3:22). Yet the Pharisees taught that the dead would be raised on the "last day" and it was believed by people such as Martha (John 11:24). When the Sadducees' objected to this doctrine Jesus answered them by quoting the voice of God to Moses from the burning bush. Why would God, who lives forever, call himself the God of of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob if they had ceased to exist (Mark 12:26)?

My boss accused me of being a "time glutton" when I told him I wanted to live forever. I was basing my confidence on Jesus' promise in John 5:24. Jesus gave me the right to become a son of God because I believed in him (John 1:12). Believers in Jesus sell themselves short if they focus most of their time and energy on this life (1 Corinthians 15:19).

Some believe "life after death" will be boring. Do they imagine the apostle Peter will send them for harp lessons so that they can lie on a cloud and make music for all eternity? Do they believe this present cursed world to be more interesting than the world to come? I am waiting for redemption, not only of this world, but also of my body (Romans 8:22-25). I am looking forward to joining Abraham, Isaac and Jacob at the feast in the Kingdom of God (Matthew 8:10-11, Luke 13:29).


  1. Hey my friend! I really enjoyed reading this. May you have a wonderful day Piet! 🙌🏼🙏🏼😘

  2. Thank you. That's is inspiring!
