
Friday, 23 December 2022

Christmas Message

After God had made a human body out of the "dust of the ground", he breathed into his nostrils the "breath of life"'. This caused God's image to be created in Adam. His Spirit was living in the body of Adam.

But on the day Adam sinned the Spirit of God departed from him; he died spiritually and lost his intimate relationship with his Maker. Adam's biological life continued but God was no longer at home in him like before the Fall.

Later Adam fathered Seth "in his own likeness and after his image". All people born after that had the images of their parents. I am a copy of a copy ... of a copy of the original image of God. I was born flawed both spiritually and biologically.

But the Lord knew all this would happen. He inspired the Psalmist to prophesy "a body you have prepared for me" concerning the coming Redeemer. This was in accordance with the promise he had given Eve that her seed would "crush the head of the snake". About 4000 years later that seed was planted into the womb of a Jewish virgin who would become the mother of the "second Adam". God's original plan to live in a human body was finally realised in this "last Adam" who is the "fulness of God in bodily form".

We were created to have fellowship with God. After Adam had sinned God still had the desire to be with him and called out to him: "Where are you?" Just like Adam and Eve we have a tendency to avoid our Creator. Another tendency we have is to try and behave in the way we think God requires, while keeping him at a distance. Our self-righteousness can so distort our perception of good and evil that we don't recognise the agents of God in our midst.

Herod was an Idumean who converted to Judaism to curry favour with the Jews. He was so paranoid about his title as king of the Jews that he murdered innocent children in his attempt to get rid of the newly born rightful owner of that title. The depth of depravity we humans had sunk to became glaringly obvious through the actions of the religious authorities and the government of the day. It culminated in the crucifixion of the King of kings, the notice "king of the Jews" cynically attached to the instrument of his execution.

But the second Adam could not stay dead. By rising from the grave he paved the way for humans to once again be indwelt by the Spirit of God. The invitation to "buy without money" is open to "whosoever will" (Isaiah 55:1; Revelation 22:17). The "righteous shall live by faith", trusting that their sins are forgiven because of the "once for all"  sacrifice made on their behalf (Habakkuk 2:4; Hebrews 7:27). The virgin did conceive, and her Son gives those who believe in him the authority to become children of God (Isaiah 7:14; 9:6; John 1:12). They may also freely receive the Spirit who was given after the glorification of the Son (John 7:39).

Tuesday, 25 October 2022

Love and be loved

In a Google search of the "attributes of God" the following sentence appeared first: "In Western (Christian) thought, God is traditionally described as a being that possesses at least three necessary properties: omniscience (all-knowing), omnipotence (all-powerful), and omnibenevolence (supremely good)."

The apostle John made the statement "God is love". He did not just add love as one of the characteristics of God. Rather, he maintained that love is the very essence of God. The implication is that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit have an eternal love relationship with one another. In the two creation narratives (Genesis 1:26-27; 2:7) reference to God is made both in the singular and plural. Also, Adam became a living soul after God blew into his nostrils the "breath of lives". The word "chaiyim" which is translated "life" in most English translations is plural. It can be taken to mean that the life of Adam included many lives which were to be passed on from him to later generations.

If God is love and Adam was made "in his image" it follows that love should play a predominant role in Adam's life. That is why it was "not good for Adam to be alone". In the first creation narrative it is recorded that "in his image he created him, male and female he created them" and that "it was very good". After the creation of Eve the possibility existed for humans to give and receive love among one another. In fact, the procreation of the race depended on acts which were identified with love.

Is it any wonder that the enemy of God and of the human race should pervert what was to be acts of love into the satisfying of selfish desires? Over the centuries various physical defects have been transmitted by parents to their children. Also, behavioural patterns are learned by children from their parents and from the culture they find themselves in. Unnatural sexual desires had become commonplace among the nations where Christianity was first propagated. By unnatural I mean desires which are contrary to the purpose for which they were designed. The aberrant sexual habits of the heathen were suppressed when Christianity became the official religion of the Roman empire in 380 AD. After hundreds of years those practices have again become acceptable in Western Society.

Every person, made in the image of God, has a deep desire to love and be loved. The pervasiveness of popular love songs can be taken as proof of this fact. The ten commandments can be summed up in the words: "love God and love your neighbour" (Matthew 22:37-40; Luke 10:27). They are intended for our wellbeing.

When we look for love in places we are not intended to find it, we must not expect to be fulfilled in the way our Creator meant us to be. The results of such behaviour include unwanted pregnancies, the spread of STDs and gender dysphoria. Persons suffering from these are at a higher risk of anxiety, depression and victimisation. 

You may ask why there is so much hatred and animosity in the world. We are supposed to hate sin. But we are more inclined to hate sin in others than in ourselves (Luke 6:41-42). By doing so we then feel justified in hating the person, something which God never condoned. Instead, Jesus commanded his followers to love their enemies (Luke 6:27).

How to express love in the 21st century can be tricky to say the least. We used to have a bull terrier who loved rough playing. Several items of my clothing can be used as evidence of that fact. But the dog we got after Nosey had died was abused by previous owners. I dare not even make a threatening gesture or she turns compliantly on her back. No sense of humour. Nevertheless, we had to train her not to mess in the house, using treats as a bribe; we keep her on a choker chain when we go for a walk; and when she was unwell we forced medicine down her throat. I think some parents and legislators could rethink how children should be loved from our treatment of dogs.

Thursday, 6 October 2022

The God who serves

I listened to a lecture in a free online course of Hillsdale College on the religion of Adam, Noah, Abraham and Moses. It was different from all other religions of the day. The gods of other religions required their adherents to serve them. But Abraham's God entered into covenants with his worshippers. He made promises which did not depend on the performance of those who believed in him. The blessings of other so-called gods were dependent on the sacrifices that were brought to them.

It reminded me of Jesus' words that he did not come to be served (Mark 10:45). I was also reminded of Peter's relationship with Jesus. At first he regarded himself to be too sinful to associate with Jesus (Luke 5:8). When Jesus told the twelve that he was to be condemned to death Peter reckoned he would not let that happen to Israel's Messiah (Matthew 16:22). He did not quite understand that the Father and Son had made this agreement long before (Genesis 3:15; Isaiah 53:10; Revelation 13:8). To have known that would probably have caused him great anguish. This could be the reason why many people reject the good news message. In the words of Jordan Peterson: "I don't even know what would happen to you if you fully believed it".

My instinctual reaction to the idea that God would sacrifice his Son for my salvation is: 'That is cruel, I don't agree with it; if you cannot find another way to save me, I'll rather remain lost'. But I did accept his offer, maybe because I was desperate and saw no other way to a meaningful life. Peter came to the same conclusion.  He became so attached to Jesus that he would not leave him for anything in the world (John 6:67-69). Nevertheless, I have difficulty in believing how the Father can be compassionate, since it was his will for his Son to suffer like that.

Peter didn't fully grasp the implications of following Jesus, nor the love of God for him. When Jesus wanted to wash his feet, he first refused. Then, typical Peter, he went overboard and requested Jesus to wash his whole body (John 13:6-9). Yet, he still didn't quite know what was in his own heart when he swore to be loyal to Jesus even unto death (John 13:37). After he had denied to have known Jesus, he must have been utterly devastated. He could have reverted back to his initial reaction of feeling to sinful to be called a disciple of the Lord.

But Jesus dealt with Peter very gently. First of all Peter must have remembered that Jesus had prayed for him (Luke 22:32).  Then the women must have told him the Lord had wanted the disciples AND Peter to know they had seen him resurrected (Mark 16:7). Finally, the most persuasive gesture Jesus made to assure Peter of his reinstatement was in his final words of commission to tend his sheep and follow him (John 21:15-19).

Thursday, 8 September 2022

A sinners' market

In the year 2022 Christians in any city in the Western World could hardly have a good excuse for not going to church. There are churches of every flavour and persuasion available within close range. But fussiness about religion is not unique to our age.

John the Baptist and Jesus were quite different in their styles of preaching. Their upbringing and occupations also differed greatly. John was in all probability an only child, brought up as a Nazarite by old parents. He lived in the desert, quite possibly in an Essene commune where studying the Hebrew Bible was an important part of his daily life. Jesus, on the other hand, grew up with brothers and sisters, and most likely had a trade. After their Bar Mitzva Jewish boys often got involved in their fathers' business.

Whereas John "grew and became strong in spirit" (Luke 1:80), Jesus "progressed in wisdom and maturity and favour with God and people" (Luke 2:52). John had a very non-indulgent lifestyle and there is no record of him ever doing a miracle. Jesus spent a lot of time among 'ordinary people' and even outcasts of society. He healed people who suffered from demonic oppression, diseases and disabilities.

One could say the message of Jesus was characterised by him inviting all those who would to become citizens of the Kingdom of God. He came to call sinners rather than the righteous, to seek and to save the lost (Luke 5:32; 19:10). John's main message was for his hearers to turn from their sins and live righteously (Luke 3:8).

Jesus berated the people of his generation for their failure to act on his message or the message of John. They found fault with both of the preachers. One's lifestyle was too severe and the other too easy-going for their liking (Luke 7:31-35). Today there are preachers who emphasise repentance and righteous living and others who emphasise God's forgiveness and restoration. There is a wide variety of churches for sinners to pick from!

Monday, 22 August 2022

Eternal life

 An expert in Jewish law (the Torah, Old Testament) tested Jesus by asking what he needed to do to inherit eternal life (Luke 10:25). Jesus had addressed the Jewish leaders on this topic. He had told them to believe in him (John 5:39-40).

A young successful man asked Jesus the same question, but with a purer motive (Luke 18:18). He may have read in the Psalms that David was confident that he would experience the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living (Psalm 27:13). Jesus loved him for his sincerity (Mark 10:21). He did not make a disciple of him just then, but who knows if the man later changed his mind?

Immortality seems to have been a talking point in Jewish culture in the days of Jesus. After they had sinned against their Creator humans were prevented from eating from the tree of life "and live forever" (Genesis 3:22). Yet the Pharisees taught that the dead would be raised on the "last day" and it was believed by people such as Martha (John 11:24). When the Sadducees' objected to this doctrine Jesus answered them by quoting the voice of God to Moses from the burning bush. Why would God, who lives forever, call himself the God of of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob if they had ceased to exist (Mark 12:26)?

My boss accused me of being a "time glutton" when I told him I wanted to live forever. I was basing my confidence on Jesus' promise in John 5:24. Jesus gave me the right to become a son of God because I believed in him (John 1:12). Believers in Jesus sell themselves short if they focus most of their time and energy on this life (1 Corinthians 15:19).

Some believe "life after death" will be boring. Do they imagine the apostle Peter will send them for harp lessons so that they can lie on a cloud and make music for all eternity? Do they believe this present cursed world to be more interesting than the world to come? I am waiting for redemption, not only of this world, but also of my body (Romans 8:22-25). I am looking forward to joining Abraham, Isaac and Jacob at the feast in the Kingdom of God (Matthew 8:10-11, Luke 13:29).

Thursday, 26 May 2022

Ascension Day Rant

The cessationists are getting under my skin. I've seen them on YouTube and some of my friends are getting influenced. Have they nothing better to do than criticise Pentecostals and Charismatics?

They are quick to point out when excesses occur in meetings of Charismatics. I want to ask them:
1. In which epistle does Paul teach on spiritual gifts more than any other epistle?
2. Are you aware of the fact that Paul rebuked that congregation for their immorality?
3. Do you think that the way they conducted their communion meetings could serve as a model for us?
4. Did you know that a definition of the gospel can be found in this epistle?
5. Did you know that Paul's doctrine on the resurrection of the dead is best expounded in this epistle?
6. Did you read that Paul said he spoke in tongues more than them all?
7. What do you think Paul meant when he said a person who spoke in tongues edifies himself?

Among the cessationists are those who have assigned themselves the role of watchmen over doctrinal purity. They mostly bad-mouth the preachers whom they judge to be peddlers of "cheap grace". I have the following questions for them: How do you interpret Mark 9:38-40, James 4:11-12 and Philippians 1:15-18?

I am not a proponent of cheap grace but we must never forget that Jesus was accused of being a "friend of sinners". He did not deny this accusation but associated with those whose sinful lifestyles caused them to be outcasts. Examples are the sinful Samaritan woman, Zaccaeus the tax collector and the woman caught in adultery. He did not condone their sin but nevertheless sided with them against their accusers who acted as self-appointed judges, juries and executioners.

Is it not possible that some preachers find it hard to make converts and therefore conclude that those who are successful must be "watering down" the gospel? Well, maybe Jesus also made it easy for anyone to follow him as in the examples mentioned above.

When he called for repentance Jesus combined it with the phrase "the Kingdom of heaven is here". This is what he meant in 21st century language: "Change your minds about religion. Your awaited Messiah is in your midst". In the beginning he told his apostles not to divulge his identity.  As far as I can tell the first "outsider" he told was the Samaritan woman. But in the last week of his life he made all sorts of outrageous claims such as being "the resurrection and the life", "the light of the world", "one with the Father" and more. His intention was clearly to draw attention to himself. He had arrived at the last lap of his journey in flesh and blood and he wanted the world to know.

If you read this and think you can get away with "cheap grace" I want to draw your attention to the parables of Jesus in Matthew 13:24-30; 13:47-50; 22:1-14.                                                                                                                                   

Sunday, 20 March 2022

Eyes of my heart

When I first read that Jesus said “the eye is the lamp of the body” he lost me right there. Since I’m scientifically trained I know the eye does not emit light like a lamp. Our eyes are more like windows, letting light in.

But Jesus was speaking metaphorically. He was talking about a heart attitude. In Matthew 6:22-23 the context was the competition in our hearts between God and money. How we view money reveals where our treasure is. The direct translation of his description of eyes would use the words “single” or “evil”. Some modern translations use words like “healthy” or “unhealthy” which does not do justice to the Greek. A single eye can be related to the beatitude in Matthew 5:8, namely that the pure in heart will see God. A love of money is idolatry which Jesus attributed to an evil eye which brings darkness. Something strange about this verse is that my spiritual eye lights up my body. I would have thought it was my soul that got light from my heart attitude. But I think Jesus wants us to appreciate the importance of our bodies. He is aware of the close connection our bodies have to our souls, especially in the area he was addressing, namely daily needs.

In Luke 11:34-36 the context was the attitude of the Jews to him. They refused to believe that he had been sent by God and accused him of driving out demons by Beelzebul, the prince of demons. They wanted a sign from heaven before they would believe in him. Jesus had very harsh words for them, saying that the people of Nineveh and the Queen of Sheba would accuse them of their unbelief on Judgement Day. The reason: Someone greater than Jonah or Solomon was there in their midst! In Matthew 15:14 he spoke about blind leaders with blind followers. He also linked the blindness of the Jewish leaders with their unwillingness to acknowledge that they were sinners (John 9:41).

In both of the above cases the eye is the faculty we use to make judgements. Jesus used eyes in his teaching on how we ought to judge others (Matthew 7:1-6). We tend to overlook our own faults but see them in other people. Psychologists call this projection and much has been written on the topic. See On a positive note, Paul prayed for the Ephesians "that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people" (Ephesians 1:18).

Thursday, 27 January 2022

Elijah and Elisha

 Many a preacher has confused the two above prophets, fumbling while preaching and wondering who came first and who did what. Some of the uncertainty can be avoided by recalling the meanings of their names.

Elijah means YHWH is God, derived from El and Yah. This was in fact the chant of the Israelites after Elijah had successfully challenged the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18:39). Some English Bibles use LORD for the tetragrammaton YHWH. Elisha means God is salvation, derived from El and yasha. He came after Elijah and had a double portion of the Spirit who was on Elijah.

(See and

The Jews expected and still expect Elijah to come before the appearance of the Messiah. This notion is based on Malachi 4:5. Jesus said John the Baptist was the Elijah they were waiting for (Matthew 17:12-14). It makes sense therefore to compare Jesus to Elisha. Joseph was to call him Jeshua because he would save his people from their sin (Matthew 1:21).

I would go further by believing it is not a coincidence that the Hebrew for salvation starts with "ya". It is just another indication that Yah is salvation. In other words, Jesus is none other than YHWH in the flesh! Is that why neither of the words Jesus or Yahweh are to be pronounced by adherents of Judaism?