
Thursday, 8 September 2022

A sinners' market

In the year 2022 Christians in any city in the Western World could hardly have a good excuse for not going to church. There are churches of every flavour and persuasion available within close range. But fussiness about religion is not unique to our age.

John the Baptist and Jesus were quite different in their styles of preaching. Their upbringing and occupations also differed greatly. John was in all probability an only child, brought up as a Nazarite by old parents. He lived in the desert, quite possibly in an Essene commune where studying the Hebrew Bible was an important part of his daily life. Jesus, on the other hand, grew up with brothers and sisters, and most likely had a trade. After their Bar Mitzva Jewish boys often got involved in their fathers' business.

Whereas John "grew and became strong in spirit" (Luke 1:80), Jesus "progressed in wisdom and maturity and favour with God and people" (Luke 2:52). John had a very non-indulgent lifestyle and there is no record of him ever doing a miracle. Jesus spent a lot of time among 'ordinary people' and even outcasts of society. He healed people who suffered from demonic oppression, diseases and disabilities.

One could say the message of Jesus was characterised by him inviting all those who would to become citizens of the Kingdom of God. He came to call sinners rather than the righteous, to seek and to save the lost (Luke 5:32; 19:10). John's main message was for his hearers to turn from their sins and live righteously (Luke 3:8).

Jesus berated the people of his generation for their failure to act on his message or the message of John. They found fault with both of the preachers. One's lifestyle was too severe and the other too easy-going for their liking (Luke 7:31-35). Today there are preachers who emphasise repentance and righteous living and others who emphasise God's forgiveness and restoration. There is a wide variety of churches for sinners to pick from!