
Sunday, 18 April 2021

Image of God

 God is love. From eternity, before the creation, the members of the Trinity were in a loving interconnection with one another. To me true love seems impossible unless more than one person is involved. Also, each person must have a free will, otherwise the relationship is somehow forced or manipulated.

God decided to invite more persons into their relationship. First they created Adam. But he was the only member who was flesh and blood; God is spirit. So Eve was created to be Adam's companion. Out of the intimate union of Adam and Eve many more humans were to be created in the image of God.

The image we reflect is essential to God when he spends time with us. He needs to see his own image in us. When our first parents sinned that image was damaged: "in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die" (Genesis 2:17).  One could think of a mirror which is very badly scratched. They did die relationally when they ate of the forbidden fruit. After that God connected with them in rituals which included the shedding of blood of an innocent animal. Maybe he could "see" his image in them by looking ahead to "the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world" (Revelation 13:8). We, the descendants of Adam and Eve, also inherit a damaged image of God. That is why we sin.

When God connects with us he does so through the mediation of the "Son of man", the words Jesus used when he referred to himself. "For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form" (Colossians 2:9). He sees the image of his dear Son when he relates to believers. To those who accept him he gives the right to become children of God (John 1:12). Jesus represents mankind before the throne.

Since the Fall humans have had the tendency to avoid God, just like Adam and Eve. But the Father's plan was to restore us. First our sin is taken away when we trust in Jesus' sacrifice. Then we have to "grow in godliness" (2 Peter 1:5-7). The new I, the born-again me, must be a "little Christ". We sell ourselves short if we have lower expectations. "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me" (Galatians 2:20). God loves the image of his Son in us. The sinful nature I inherited from Adam will forever be gone when I die. Thankfully Jesus showed us how keen the Father is to live with us, even now while we are still struggling to do his will. He also sent the Holy Spirit to represent Jesus while Jesus intercedes for us at the right hand of God. 

Sunday, 4 April 2021

Memorial service of Jesus

 When someone dies a memorial service is normally held in honour of the deceased. It usually takes place at the time when the body is disposed of. This is a custom throughout the world. I am not aware of a culture in which the death of a member is simply ignored.

The word "closure" is often used when referring to a memorial. People also talk of "last respects". I suppose the idea is that one cannot communicate with the dead person anymore and must make peace with that. Maybe that is why the song The Living Years by Mike + The Mechanics is so popular. They urge us to say kind things to our loved ones "in the living years".

As a rule a memorial service is only done once. Some people do go to the grave of a loved one on the anniversary of his/her death. But this is ordinarily a very private affair and not something celebrated. I don't know of famous people of whom the day of their death is commemorated; that is anyone other than Jesus. I don't think the anniversary of the death of Confucius, Buddha or Mohammed is observed. In our day the birthday of Martin Luther King was made into a public holiday, not the day on which he was assassinated.

But every year on Good Friday the death of Jesus Christ is celebrated. It is called a good day because millions of people have found meaning through his death. This kind of behaviour by intelligent people would be highly unlikely if they did not believe he was alive. For us there is no closure with respect to Jesus. We remember him until he comes again. Not only once a year but every time we celebrate the eucharist, take communion, break bread or what ever your tradition calls the memorial of the last supper.

Easter is a tradition which predates Good Friday and even Passover. It is a celebration of new life as represented by easter eggs. Before Christianity took the world by storm Easter went together with disgusting fertility rites and idolatry as symbolised by bunnies. It coincided with springtime in the Northern Hemisphere when new life was making its appearance in plants and animals. The Church thought it good to "highjack" this day and put it to good use, remembering the resurrection of Jesus. Let us thank God for governments which still observe public holidays over Easter. It is the most important period on the Christian calendar.