
Thursday, 29 July 2010

Darkness of the soul

Since Christians are still "under construction", there are occasions when we sin and affect people negatively. They often respond by saying: "If that is how Christians behave, I want nothing to do with Christianity". Note that Jesus does not get mentioned. I have yet to meet someone who blames Jesus for the pain his followers inflict.

According to 1 John 2:11 a person with a grudge against someone "walks in darkness". When one has been hurt, it can be difficult to "get over it". However, if you don't, your perspective will be warped. John said that someone in such a condition "does not know where he is going because darkness has blinded his eyes". In the language of the Arbinger Institute he is "in the box". To get "out of the box" one has to forgive the person, forget the incident and move on. If not, the saying "cutting off your nose to spite your face" is applicable.

Many a marriage could be saved, relationships could be restored and even wars averted if people avoided "walking in darkness". It is scary to think that many decisions, which affect the lives of millions, get made by people who cannot see where they are going.