
Thursday, 24 September 2009

Cost of the Good News

"Freely you have received, freely give", Jesus told his followers. Based on this, some have coined the slogan "the Gospel is free". An uncritical application of this slogan can lead to the belief that Christians ought to keep their involvement with money to a minimum.

However, if the Good News is to be free for its recipients, it certainly costs those who dispense it. At some stage in the life of a new believer, he/she should be changing from a beneficiary to a provider of the Good News. Then the Gospel will cost this person, in Jesus' words, everything.

The mind-set which upholds the idea that Christians must have as little as possible to do with money, was criticised by Jesus. He said we must use the "ungodly Mammon". He went so far as to say that the people of this world are cleverer in this respect than the children of light.